Moon Calendar 2023 Calgary: A Comprehensive Guide


As we welcome the year 2023, it’s important to know the important dates of the lunar cycle. Calgary, a vibrant city located in the province of Alberta, Canada, has a lot to offer when it comes to lunar events. In this article, we’ll dive into the “Moon Calendar 2023 Calgary” and everything you need to know about it.

What is a Moon Calendar?

A Moon Calendar is a calendar that tracks the lunar cycle, including the phases of the moon and the dates of lunar events. Lunar events are based on the cycles of the moon, and they include full moons, new moons, and eclipses. These events have been celebrated for centuries and are an essential part of different cultures.

World Events and Festivals in “Moon Calendar 2023 Calgary”

Calgary hosts several events and festivals that are based on the lunar cycle. The most notable ones are:

1. Full Moon Party

The Full Moon Party is an event that takes place every full moon. It’s a celebration of the lunar cycle, and people gather to dance, eat, and drink under the full moon’s light. The event takes place in various locations across the city, and it’s a great way to connect with like-minded people.

2. Lunar New Year

The Lunar New Year is a festival that celebrates the first new moon of the lunar calendar. It’s a significant event in Chinese culture, and it’s also celebrated in other Asian countries. In Calgary, the Lunar New Year is celebrated with parades, dragon dances, and fireworks.

3. Harvest Moon Festival

The Harvest Moon Festival is a celebration of the autumnal equinox, which marks the end of the summer season. It’s a time to give thanks for the harvest and to prepare for the winter season. In Calgary, the festival is celebrated with music, food, and cultural performances.

Moon Calendar 2023 Calgary Dates

Here are the important dates of the Moon Calendar 2023 Calgary: – January 1: New Year’s Day – January 17: New Moon – February 1: Full Moon – February 16: New Moon – March 2: Full Moon – March 17: New Moon – March 20: Spring Equinox – April 1: Full Moon – April 15: New Moon – May 1: Beltane (May Day) – May 1: Full Moon – May 15: New Moon – June 1: Full Moon – June 13: New Moon – June 21: Summer Solstice – July 1: Full Moon – July 12: New Moon – August 1: Full Moon – August 11: New Moon – September 1: Full Moon – September 9: New Moon – September 22: Fall Equinox – October 1: Full Moon – October 8: New Moon – October 31: Halloween – November 1: Full Moon – November 7: New Moon – November 22: Full Moon – December 6: New Moon – December 21: Winter Solstice – December 22: Full Moon – December 31: New Year’s Eve

Question & Answer

Q: What is a Blue Moon? A: A Blue Moon is a rare event that occurs when there are two full moons in a calendar month. In 2023, there are two full moons in May, on the 1st and the 31st, making the second full moon a Blue Moon. Q: What is a Lunar Eclipse? A: A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly behind the earth, and the earth blocks the sun’s rays from reaching the moon. As a result, the moon appears to be reddish in color, which is why it’s also called a “Blood Moon.” In 2023, there are two lunar eclipses, on May 16 and November 10.


The “Moon Calendar 2023 Calgary” is a useful tool for anyone interested in lunar events. Whether you’re looking to attend festivals or simply want to track the lunar cycle, this calendar has everything you need to know. So mark your calendars and get ready to immerse yourself in the beauty of the lunar cycle.

Moon Phases 2022 Lunar Calendar for South Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Moon Phases 2022 Lunar Calendar for South Calgary, Alberta, Canada from

Moon Calendar 2023 Calgary: A Comprehensive Guide

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