Ham Radio Contest Calendar 2023: A Guide To Worldwide Events And Festivals

As a passionate ham radio enthusiast, I always look forward to the start of a new year and the announcement of the upcoming contest calendar. It’s a chance to test my skills against other hams from around the world and connect with fellow enthusiasts who share my love for this amazing hobby.

What is the Ham Radio Contest Calendar 2023?

The Ham Radio Contest Calendar 2023 is a comprehensive list of events and festivals that will take place throughout the year. It includes everything from local contests to international competitions, each offering a unique opportunity for hams to showcase their skills and connect with others in the community.

Why participate in Ham Radio Contests?

Participating in ham radio contests is a great way to improve your skills and connect with other enthusiasts. It allows you to test your abilities against some of the best hams in the world and learn from their experience. Additionally, it can be a lot of fun and provide a sense of accomplishment when you perform well.

World Events and Festivals in Ham Radio Contest Calendar 2023

The Ham Radio Contest Calendar 2023 is packed with exciting events and festivals that will take place all around the world. Here are some of the highlights:

  • ARRL International DX Contest – March 5-6, 2023: This is one of the most popular contests in the world, attracting thousands of hams from around the globe. It’s a chance to test your skills on SSB and CW modes, and connect with other hams who share your passion for the hobby.
  • CQWW WPX Contest – May 28-29, 2023: Another major international contest, this event is open to all hams and offers a chance to compete on both SSB and CW modes. It’s a great opportunity to improve your skills and connect with other hams from around the world.
  • IARU HF World Championship – July 8-9, 2023: This contest is organized by the International Amateur Radio Union and attracts hams from all over the world. It’s a chance to test your skills on both SSB and CW modes and compete for awards and recognition.

Question & Answer

Q: Do I need any special equipment to participate in ham radio contests?

A: While having a high-end rig can certainly improve your chances of success, it’s not necessary to participate in most contests. Many hams use low-power transceivers and simple antennas and still perform well. The most important thing is to have a good understanding of the rules and be familiar with the modes you’ll be using.

Q: Can I participate in contests if I’m new to ham radio?

A: Absolutely! Many contests have categories for beginners and low-power stations, so you don’t need to be an expert to participate. It’s a great way to learn and improve your skills, and connect with other hams who share your passion for the hobby.

Q: Is there a cost to participate in ham radio contests?

A: Generally, there’s no cost to participate in most contests. However, some may require a small entry fee or donation to cover the cost of prizes and awards. Be sure to check the rules for each contest to determine if there are any fees or requirements.


The Ham Radio Contest Calendar 2023 is an exciting opportunity for hams from around the world to connect, compete, and improve their skills. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or new to the hobby, there’s an event for you. So mark your calendars, dust off your rig, and get ready for a year of exciting challenges and rewarding experiences!

Ham Radio Contest Calendar 2020 Calendar Template 2022
Ham Radio Contest Calendar 2020 Calendar Template 2022 from cbscalendaryo.com

Ham Radio Contest Calendar 2023: A Guide To Worldwide Events And Festivals

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